Source code for stockpyl.wagner_whitin

# ===============================================================================
# stockpyl - wagner_whitin Module
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Larry Snyder
# License: GPLv3
# ===============================================================================

.. include:: ../../


The |mod_wagner_whitin| module contains code for solving the Wagner-Whitin
problem using dynamic programming.

.. note:: |fosct_notation|

.. seealso::

	For an overview of single-echelon inventory optimization in |sp|,
	see the :ref:`tutorial page for single-echelon inventory optimization<tutorial_seio_page>`.

API Reference


import numpy as np

from stockpyl.helpers import *

[docs]def wagner_whitin(num_periods, holding_cost, fixed_cost, demand, purchase_cost=0): """Solve the Wagner-Whitin problem using dynamic programming (DP). The time periods are indexed 1, ..., ``num_periods``. Lists given in outputs use the same indexing, which means that element 0 will usually be ignored. (In some cases, element 0 is used to represent initial conditions.) Most parameters may be given as a singleton or a list. If given as a singleton, the parameter will be assumed to be the same in every time period. If given as a list, the list must be of length ``num_periods`` or ``num_periods``\+1. * In the former case, the list is assumed to contain values for periods 1, ..., ``num_periods`` in elements 0, ..., ``num_periods``-1. * In the latter case, the list is assumed to contain values for periods 1, ..., ``num_periods`` in elements 1, ..., ``num_periods``, and the 0th element is ignored. The parameters may be mixed, some singletons and some lists. Parameters ---------- num_periods : int Number of periods in time horizon. [:math:`T`] holding_cost : float or list Holding cost per item per period. [:math:`h`] fixed_cost : float or list Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] demand : float or list Demand in each time period. [:math:`d`] purchase_cost : float or list, optional Purchase cost per item. [:math:`c`] Returns ------- order_quantities : list List of order quantities in each time period. [:math:`Q^*`] cost : float Optimal cost for entire horizon. [:math:`\\theta_1`] costs_to_go : list List of "costs to go". [:math:`\\theta`] next_order_periods : list List of "next order" period. [:math:`s`] Raises ------ ValueError If ``holding_cost``, ``fixed_cost``, ``demand``, or ``purchase_cost`` <= 0 for any time period. **Equation Used** (modified from equation (3.39)): .. math:: \\theta_t = \\min_{t < s \le T+1} \\left\\{K + c_t\sum_{i=1}^{s-1}d_i + h\\sum_{i=t}^{s-1}(i-t)d_i + \\theta_s \\right\\} **Algorithm Used:** Wagner-Whitin algorithm (Algorithm 3.1) **Example** (a Example 3.9): .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.wagner_whitin import * .. doctest:: >>> Q, cost, theta, s = wagner_whitin(4, 2, 500, [90, 120, 80, 70]) >>> Q [0, 210, 0, 150, 0] >>> cost 1380.0 >>> theta array([ 0., 1380., 940., 640., 500., 0.]) >>> s [0, 3, 5, 5, 5] """ # Check that parameters are non-negative. if not np.all(np.array(holding_cost) >= 0): raise ValueError("holding_cost must be non-negative") if not np.all(np.array(fixed_cost) >= 0): raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be non-negative") if not np.all(np.array(demand) >= 0): raise ValueError("demand must be non-negative") if not np.all(np.array(purchase_cost) >= 0): raise ValueError("purchase_cost must be non-negative") # Replace scalar parameters with lists (multiple copies of scalar). holding_cost = ensure_list_for_time_periods(holding_cost, num_periods) fixed_cost = ensure_list_for_time_periods(fixed_cost, num_periods) demand = ensure_list_for_time_periods(demand, num_periods) purchase_cost = ensure_list_for_time_periods(purchase_cost, num_periods) # Allocate solution arrays. theta = np.zeros(num_periods+2) next_order_periods = [0] * (num_periods+1) # Loop backwards through periods. for t in range(num_periods, 0, -1): # Loop through possible next order periods. best_cost = BIG_FLOAT for ss in range(t+1, num_periods+2): # Calculate cost if next order is in period ss. cost = fixed_cost[t] for i in range(t, ss): cost += purchase_cost[t] * demand[i] + holding_cost[t] * (i - t) * demand[i] cost += theta[ss] # Compare to best cost. if cost < best_cost: best_cost = cost best_s = ss # Set theta and next_order_periods. theta[t] = best_cost next_order_periods[t] = best_s # Determine optimal order quantities. order_quantities = [0] * (num_periods+1) t = 1 while t <= num_periods: order_quantities[t] = np.sum(demand[t:next_order_periods[t]]) t = next_order_periods[t] cost = theta[1] return order_quantities, cost, theta, next_order_periods