Source code for stockpyl.supply_chain_network

# ===============================================================================
# stockpyl - SupplyChainNetwork Class
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Larry Snyder
# License: GPLv3
# ===============================================================================

.. include:: ../../


This module contains the |class_network| class, which is a network consisting of
one or more nodes and, optionally, one or more products. The network, nodes, and
products together specify a problem instance.

.. note:: |node_stage|

.. note:: |fosct_notation|

A |class_network| is used primarily for :ref:`multi-echelon inventory optimization (MEIO) <meio_page>`
or :ref:`simulation <sim_page>`. Most data for the problem instance is specified
in the |class_node| and |class_product| objects contained within the |class_network|, rather than in
the network itself.

API Reference


# ===============================================================================
# Imports
# ===============================================================================

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
# import json
import copy
from collections import Counter

#import supply_chain_node
from stockpyl.supply_chain_node import SupplyChainNode
from stockpyl.supply_chain_product import SupplyChainProduct
from stockpyl.demand_source import DemandSource
from stockpyl.policy import Policy
from stockpyl.disruption_process import DisruptionProcess
from stockpyl.helpers import is_list, is_dict, is_integer, is_iterable, ensure_dict_for_nodes, ensure_list_for_nodes
from stockpyl.helpers import build_node_data_dict

# ===============================================================================
# SupplyChainNetwork Class
# ===============================================================================

[docs]class SupplyChainNetwork(object): """The |class_network| class contains one or more nodes, each represented by a |class_node| object. Attributes ---------- period : int The current period. Used for simulation. problem_specific_data : object Placeholder for object that is used to provide data for specific problem types. max_max_replenishment_time : int Largest value of ``max_replenishment_time`` among all nodes in the network. Used by |mod_gsm_tree| module. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """SupplyChainNetwork constructor method. Parameters ---------- kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments to specify network attributes. Raises ------ AttributeError If an optional keyword argument does not match a |class_network| attribute. """ # Initialize attributes. self.initialize() # Set attributes specified by kwargs. for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in vars(self): vars(self)[key] = value elif f"_{key}" in vars(self): vars(self)[f"_{key}"] = value else: raise AttributeError(f"{key} is not an attribute of SupplyChainNetwork") _DEFAULT_VALUES = { '_nodes': [], '_local_products': [], # only includes products that are loaded directly into the network; they may or may not also be loaded into nodes '_products': [], # all products (loaded directly or into nodes) '_period': 0, 'max_max_replenishment_time': None } @property def nodes(self): """List of all nodes in the network, as |class_node| objects. Read only. """ if hasattr(self, '_nodes'): return self._nodes else: return [] @property def node_indices(self): """List of indices of all nodes in the network. Read only. """ return [node.index for node in self.nodes] @property def products(self): """List of all products in the network, as |class_product| objects. Includes products that have been explicitly added to the network via :func:`add_product` as well as products that are handled by the nodes in the network. Read only. """ return self._products @property def product_indices(self): """List of indices of all products in the network. Includes products that have been explicitly added to the network via :func:`add_product` as well as products that are handled by the nodes in the network. Read only. """ return self._product_indices @property def products_by_index(self): """A dict containing products in the network. Includes products that have been explicitly added to the network via :func:`add_product` as well as products that are handled by the nodes in the network. The keys of the dict are product indices and the values are the corresponding |class_product| objects. For example, ``self.products_by_index[4]`` returns a |class_product| object for the product with index 4. Includes "dummy products" that are added internally to nodes that do not have a |class_product| object added. Dummy products are identifiable as such by their index, which is always negative. Read only. """ return self._products_by_index @property def period(self): return self._period @period.setter def period(self, value): self._period = value @property def source_nodes(self): """List of all source nodes, i.e., all nodes that have no predecessors, as |class_node| objects. Read only. """ return [node for node in self.nodes if node.predecessor_indices() == []] @property def sink_nodes(self): """List of all sink nodes, i.e., all nodes that have no successors, as |class_node| objects. Read only. """ return [node for node in self.nodes if node.successor_indices() == []] @property def edges(self): """List of all edges, as tuples whose elements are the indices of the nodes in the edge. Read only. """ edge_list = [] for n in self.nodes: for m in n.successors(): edge_list.append((n.index, m.index)) return edge_list
[docs] def has_directed_cycle(self): """Check whether network contains a directed cycle. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if network contains a directed cycle, ``False`` otherwise. """ # Build networkx representation. G = self.networkx_digraph() # Count simple cycles. num_cycles = len(list(nx.simple_cycles(G))) return num_cycles > 0
# Special members. def __repr__(self): """ Return a string representation of the |class_network| instance. Returns ------- str A string representation of the |class_network| instance. """ return f'SupplyChainNetwork(nodes={self.node_indices}, products={self.product_indices})' # return "SupplyChainNetwork({:s})".format(str(vars(self))) # Attribute management.
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the parameters in the object to their default values. """ # Loop through attributes. Special handling for list and dict attributes. for attr in self._DEFAULT_VALUES.keys(): if is_list(self._DEFAULT_VALUES[attr]) or is_dict(self._DEFAULT_VALUES[attr]): setattr(self, attr, copy.deepcopy(self._DEFAULT_VALUES[attr])) else: setattr(self, attr, self._DEFAULT_VALUES[attr]) # Set _currently_building flag. (This indicates whether we are currently building # a network, e.g., using from_dict(), in which case we should pause buidling product attributes.) self._currently_building = False # Initialize product-related attributes that are derived from others. self._build_product_attributes()
# # --- Nodes and Period --- # # if overwrite or not hasattr(self, '_nodes'): # self._nodes = [] # elif is_list(self._nodes): # for n in self._nodes: # n.initialize(overwrite=False) # if overwrite or not hasattr(self, '_period'): # self._period = 0 # # --- Intermediate Calculations for GSM Problems --- # # if overwrite or not hasattr(self, 'max_max_replenishment_time'): # self.max_max_replenishment_time = None
[docs] def deep_equal_to(self, other, rel_tol=1e-8): """Check whether network "deeply equals" ``other``, i.e., if all attributes are equal, including attributes that are themselves objects. Parameters ---------- other : |class_network| The network to compare this one to. rel_tol : float, optional Relative tolerance to use when comparing equality of float attributes. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the two networks are equal, ``False`` otherwise. """ eq = True if sorted(self.node_indices) != sorted(other.node_indices): eq = False else: # Replace None with -1 in both node's product indices because None can't be sorted. self_indices = [prod_ind if prod_ind is not None else -1 for prod_ind in self.product_indices] if sorted(self.product_indices) != sorted(other.product_indices): eq = False else: # Special handling for some attributes. for attr in self._DEFAULT_VALUES.keys(): if attr == '_nodes': for n_ind in sorted(self.node_indices): other_node = other.get_node_from_index(n_ind) if other_node is None: eq = False elif not self.get_node_from_index(n_ind).deep_equal_to(other_node, rel_tol=rel_tol): eq = False elif attr == '_products': # Check that lists of indices are equal (ignoring order). if Counter([prod.index for prod in self._products]) != Counter([prod.index for prod in other._products]): eq = False for prod in self._products: other_prod = other.products_by_index[prod.index] if not prod.deep_equal_to(other_prod, rel_tol=rel_tol): eq = False elif attr == '_local_products': # Check that lists of indices are equal (ignoring order). if Counter([prod.index for prod in self._local_products]) != Counter([prod.index for prod in other._local_products]): eq = False for prod in self._local_products: other_prod = other.products_by_index[prod.index] if not prod.deep_equal_to(other_prod, rel_tol=rel_tol): eq = False # for prod in self._local_products: # other_prod = other.products_by_index[prod.index] # if other_prod is None: # eq = False # elif not self.products_by_index[prod.index].deep_equal_to(other_prod, rel_tol=rel_tol): # eq = False else: if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): eq = False return eq
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the |class_network| object to a dict. Converts the object recursively, calling ``to_dict()`` on each |class_node| in the network. Returns ------- dict The dict representation of the network. """ # Initialize dict. network_dict = {} # Attributes. for attr in self._DEFAULT_VALUES.keys(): # Remove leading '_' to get property names. prop = attr[1:] if attr[0] == '_' else attr if attr == '_nodes': network_dict['nodes'] = [] for n in self.nodes: network_dict['nodes'].append(n.to_dict()) elif attr == '_products': network_dict[attr] = [prod.to_dict() for prod in self.products] elif attr == '_local_products': # Store as indices only. network_dict[attr] = [prod.index for prod in self._local_products] else: network_dict[prop] = getattr(self, prop) return network_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, the_dict): """Return a new |class_network| object with attributes copied from the values in ``the_dict``. Parameters ---------- the_dict : dict Dict representation of a |class_network|, typically created using ``to_dict()``. Returns ------- SupplyChainNetwork The object converted from the dict. """ if the_dict is None: network = cls() else: # Build empty SupplyChainNetwork. network = cls() # Build list and dict of products to use below. if '_products' not in the_dict: products = copy.deepcopy(cls._DEFAULT_VALUES['_products']) else: products = [SupplyChainProduct.from_dict(prod_dict) for prod_dict in the_dict['_products']] products_by_index = {prod.index: prod for prod in products} # # Build product attributes (for now, this just creates network._products_by_index). # network._build_product_attributes() # Set _currently_building flag so we don't re-build product attributes in the next step. network._currently_building = True # Fill attributes. for attr in cls._DEFAULT_VALUES.keys(): if attr == '_nodes': if 'nodes' not in the_dict: network._nodes = copy.deepcopy(cls._DEFAULT_VALUES['_nodes']) else: for n_dict in the_dict['nodes']: # Create node. node = SupplyChainNode.from_dict(n_dict) # Add products to node. This also replaces _products_by_index values with product objects. # (SupplyChainNode.to_dict() stores them as ints.) prod_indices = [int(k) for k in node._products_by_index.keys()] node._products_by_index = {} for prod_ind in prod_indices: node.add_product(products_by_index[prod_ind]) # Replace dummy-product indices with product objects. if node._dummy_product is not None: node._dummy_product = products_by_index[node._dummy_product] if node._external_supplier_dummy_product is not None: node._external_supplier_dummy_product = products_by_index[node._external_supplier_dummy_product] # Add node to network. network.add_node(node) for n in network.nodes: # Convert nodes' successors and predecessors back to node objects. (SupplyChainNode.to_dict() # replaces them with indices.) preds = [] succs = [] for m in network.nodes: if m.index in n.predecessors(): preds.append(m) if m.index in n.successors(): succs.append(m) n._predecessors = preds n._successors = succs elif attr == '_local_products': # Replace indices with objects. (They are stored as indices.) network._local_products = [products_by_index[prod_ind] for prod_ind in the_dict['_local_products']] else: # Remove leading '_' to get property names. prop = attr[1:] if attr[0] == '_' else attr if prop in the_dict: value = the_dict[prop] else: value = cls._DEFAULT_VALUES[attr] setattr(network, attr, value) # Turn off _currently_building flag and build product-related attributes. network._currently_building = False network._build_product_attributes() return network
# Methods for node handling.
[docs] def get_node_from_index(self, index): """Return |class_node| object with the specified index, or ``None`` if no matching node is found. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of node to find. Returns ------- |class_node| The node whose index is ``index``, or ``None`` if none. """ for node in self.nodes: if node.index == index: return node return None
[docs] def reindex_nodes(self, old_to_new_dict, new_names=None): """Change indices of the nodes in the network using ``old_to_new_dict``. If ``new_names`` is provided, also updates ``name`` attribute of the nodes. Parameters ---------- old_to_new_dict : dict Dict in which keys are old indices and values are new indices. new_names : dict, optional Dict in which keys are old indices and values are new names. """ # Build product mapping. (Real products keep their indices. Dummy products change # because their nodes change.) old_to_new_prod_dict = {} for node in self.nodes: for prod in node.products: if prod.is_dummy: old_to_new_prod_dict[prod.index] = \ SupplyChainNode._dummy_product_index_from_node_index(old_to_new_dict[node.index]) else: old_to_new_prod_dict[prod.index] = prod.index old_to_new_prod_dict[node._external_supplier_dummy_product.index] = \ SupplyChainNode._external_supplier_dummy_product_index_from_node_index(old_to_new_dict[node.index]) # Reindex state variables. (This must be done before reindexing nodes.) for node in self.nodes: node.reindex_all_state_variables(old_to_new_dict, old_to_new_prod_dict) # Reindex nodes. for node in self.nodes: # Reindex node. old_index = node.index node.index = old_to_new_dict[old_index] # Rename node. if new_names is not None: = new_names[old_index] # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
# Methods related to network structure.
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """Add ``node`` to the network. ``node`` will not be connected to other nodes that might be in the network already. If ``node`` is already in the network (as determined by the index), do nothing. Parameters ---------- node : |class_node| The node to add to the network. """ # Check whether node is already in network. if node not in self.nodes: self.nodes.append(node) = self for prod in node.products: # Fill network attribute, unless prod is an integer. # (This can happen when building a network using from_dict(), because # _product_by_index values are replaced with ints in to_dict().) if not is_integer(prod): = self # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def add_edge(self, from_index, to_index): """Add an edge to the network to and from the nodes with the specified indices. If the edge is already in the network, does nothing. Parameters ---------- from_index : int Index of "from" node. to_index : int Index of "to" node. Raises ------ ValueError If either index is not in the network. """ if (from_index, to_index) not in self.edges: # Get nodes. from_node = self.get_node_from_index(from_index) to_node = self.get_node_from_index(to_index) # Do nodes exist? if from_node is None: raise ValueError(f"No node with index {from_index} in network") if to_node is None: raise ValueError(f"No node with index {to_index} in network") # Add edge. self.add_successor(from_node, to_node) # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def add_edges_from_list(self, edge_list): """Add multiple edges to the network from a list of index tuples. Any edge that is already in the network is ignored. Parameters ---------- edge_list : list List of tuples of indices of nodes in edges. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the nodes are not in the network. """ # Loop through edges in list. for e in edge_list: self.add_edge(e[0], e[1])
[docs] def add_successor(self, node, successor_node): """Add ``successor_node`` as a successor to ``node``. ``node`` must already be contained in the network. The method adds the nodes to each other's lists of _successors and _predecessors. If ``successor_node`` is not already contained in the network, the method also adds it. (The node is assumed to be contained in the network if its index or name match those of a node in the network.) Parameters ---------- node : |class_node| The node to which the successor should be added. successor_node : |class_node| The node to be added as a successor. """ # Add nodes to each other's predecessor and successor lists. node.add_successor(successor_node) successor_node.add_predecessor(node) # Add node to network (if not already contained in it). self.add_node(successor_node) # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def add_predecessor(self, node, predecessor_node): """Add ``predecessor_node`` as a predecessor to ``node``. ``node`` must already be contained in the network. The method adds the nodes to each other's lists of _successors and _predecessors. If ``predecessor_node`` is not already contained in the network, the method also adds it. (The node is assumed to be contained in the network if its index or name match those of a node in the network.) Parameters ---------- node : |class_node| The node to which the successor should be added. predecessor_node : |class_node| The node to be added as a predecessor. """ # Add nodes to each other's predecessor and successor lists. node.add_predecessor(predecessor_node) predecessor_node.add_successor(node) # Add node to network (if not already contained in it). self.add_node(predecessor_node) # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """Remove a node from the network. Remove the node from the node list and from its predecessors' and successors' successors and predecessors lists. If ``node`` is not in the network (as determined by the index), do nothing. Parameters ---------- node : |class_node| The node to remove. """ # Check whether node is in network. if node in self.nodes: # Remove from successors' predecessors lists. for s in node.successors(): s.remove_predecessor(node) # Remove from predecessors' successors lists. for p in node.predecessors(): p.remove_successor(node) # Remove node from network. self.nodes.remove(node) # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def networkx_digraph(self): """Build a `NetworkX <>`_ ``DiGraph`` object with the same structure as the |class_network|. Returns ------- digraph : DiGraph The ``networkx`` ``digraph`` object. """ digraph = nx.DiGraph() digraph.add_nodes_from(self.node_indices) for n in self.nodes: for p in n.predecessors(): digraph.add_edge(p.index, n.index) return digraph
# Functions related to product management. def _build_product_attributes(self): """Build product-related attributes that are derived from other attributes, at the network and the nodes in it. These attributes are built each time the nodes or products change, rather than deriving them live during a simulation. Does nothing if self._currently_building is True. (This is to avoid building product attributes when network is currently being built and not all product/node info is in place yet.) """ if not self._currently_building: # Build _products and _product_indices. products = [prod for prod in self._local_products] for node in self.nodes: for prod in node.products: if prod not in products: products.append(prod) if node._external_supplier_dummy_product is not None: if node._external_supplier_dummy_product not in products: products.append(node._external_supplier_dummy_product) self._products = products self._product_indices = [prod.index for prod in self._products] # Build _products_by_index. Include all products in network (including in nodes). self._products_by_index = {prod.index: prod for prod in self._products} # Add external supplier dummy products. self._products_by_index.update({node._external_supplier_dummy_product.index: node._external_supplier_dummy_product \ for node in self.nodes if node._external_supplier_dummy_product is not None}) # Build product attributes for all nodes. for node in self.nodes: node._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def add_product(self, product): """Add ``product`` to the network. ``product`` will not automatically be contained in any nodes that might be in the network already. If ``product`` is already in the network (as determined by the index), do nothing. It is not necessary to add products using this function if they are handled by nodes in the network. The only reason to use this function is to add a product to a network that is not handled by any node in the network, which is not typical. Parameters ---------- product : |class_product| The product to add to the network. """ # Check whether product is already in network. if product not in self._local_products: self._local_products.append(product) = self # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
[docs] def remove_product(self, product): """Remove a product from the network. If ``product`` is not in the network (as determined by the index), do nothing. The product is removed from the network itself but is not removed from any nodes within the network. If the product is handled by any of those nodes, it will still be included in ``self.products``. Parameters ---------- product : |class_product| The product to remove. """ # Check whether product is in network. if product in self._local_products: # Remove product from network. self._local_products.remove(product) # Rebuild product attributes. self._build_product_attributes()
# Utility functions.
[docs] def parse_node(self, node, allow_none=True): """Return the node and node index as a tuple, whether ``node`` is a |class_node| object or an int. Parameters ---------- node : |class_node| or int The node itself (as a |class_node|) or its index (as an int). allow_none : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), ``node`` may be ``None``, in which case the function returns ``None, None``. If ``False``, raises an exception. Returns ------- |class_node| The node object. int The node index. Raises ------ TypeError If ``node`` is not a |class_node| or an int. ValueError if ``node`` is not a node in the network. """ if node is None: if allow_none: node_obj = None node_ind = None else: raise ValueError('node may not be None if allow_none is False.') elif isinstance(node, SupplyChainNode): node_obj = node node_ind = node.index if node_obj not in self.nodes: raise ValueError(f'Node {node_ind} is not a node in the network.') elif isinstance(node, int): try: node_obj = self.get_node_from_index(node) except: raise ValueError(f'Node {node} is not a node in the network.') node_ind = node else: raise TypeError('node must be a SupplyChainNode or an int.') return node_obj, node_ind
[docs] def parse_product(self, product, allow_none=True): """Return the product and product index as a tuple, whether ``product`` is a |class_product| object or an int. Parameters ---------- product : |class_product| or int The product itself (as a |class_product|) or its index (as an int). allow_none : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), ``product`` may be ``None``, in which case the function returns ``None, None``. If ``False``, raises an exception. Returns ------- |class_product| The product object. int The product index. Raises ------ TypeError If ``product`` is not a |class_product| or an int. ValueError if ``product`` is not a product in the network. """ if product is None: if allow_none: product_obj = None product_ind = None else: raise TypeError('product may not be None if allow_none is False.') elif isinstance(product, SupplyChainProduct): product_obj = product product_ind = product.index if product_obj not in self.products: raise ValueError(f'Product {product_ind} is not a product in the network.') elif isinstance(product, int): try: product_obj = self.products_by_index[product] except: raise ValueError(f'product {product} is not a product in the network.') product_ind = product else: raise TypeError('product must be a SupplyChainProduct or an int.') return product_obj, product_ind
# =============================================================================== # Network-Creation Methods # ===============================================================================
[docs]def network_from_edges(edges, node_order_in_lists=None, **kwargs): """Construct a supply chain network with the specified edges. The ``kwargs`` parameters specify the attributes (data) for the nodes in the network. If they are provided, they must be either a dict, a list, or a singleton, with the following requirements: * If the parameter is a dict, then the keys must contain the node indices and the values must contain the corresponding attribute values. If a given node index is contained in the list of edges but is not a key in the dict, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a singleton, then the attribute is set to that value for all nodes. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is provided, ``node_order_in_lists`` must contain the same indices as the nodes in the edges in ``edges`` (otherwise a ``ValueError`` is raised). The values in the list are assumed to correspond to the node indices in the order they are specified in ``node_order_in_lists``. That is, the value in slot ``k`` in the parameter list is assigned to the node with index ``node_order_in_lists[k]``. If a given node index is contained in the list of edges but is not in ``node_order_in_lists``, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is not provided, the values in the list are assumed to correspond to the sorted list of node indices in the edge list. That is, the value in slot ``k`` in the parameter list is assigned to the node in slot ``k`` when the nodes in the edge list are sorted. If ``edges`` is ``None`` or ``[]``, a single-node network is returned. The index of the node is set to 0, unless ``node_order_in_lists`` is provided, in which case the node's index is set to ``node_order_in_lists[0]``. The rules for ``kwargs`` above also apply to the single-node case. The ``supply_type`` attribute is set to 'U' at all nodes that have no predecessors and to ``None`` at all other nodes, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set. For the ``demand_source`` attribute, you may pass a |class_demand_source| object *or* the individual attributes of the demand source (``mean``, ``round_to_int``, etc.). In the latter case, a ``DemandSource`` object will be constructed with the specified attributes and filled into the ``demand_source`` attribute of the node. **Note:** If providing individual demand source attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``demand_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. Similarly, you may pass |class_policy| and |class_disruption_process| objects for the ``inventory_policy`` and ``disruption_process`` attributes, or you may pass the individual attributes for these objects. **Note:** If providing individual inventory policy attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``policy_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node| or one of its attribute objects (|class_demand_source|, |class_policy|, or |class_disruption_process|), an ``AttributeError`` is raised. (Exception: ``demand_type`` and ``policy_type`` are allowed even though they are not attributes of |class_node|; see above.) .. note:: This function does not check that valid attributes have been provided for ``demand_source``, ``inventory_policy``, and ``disruption_process``. For example, it does not check that a ``base_stock_level`` has been provided if the policy type is set to ``BS``. Parameters ---------- edges : list List of edges, with each edge specified as a tuple ``(a, b)``, where ``a`` is the index of the predecessor and ``b`` is the index of the successor node. If ``None`` or empty, a single-node network is created. node_order_in_lists : list, optional List of node indices in the order in which the nodes are listed in any attributes that are lists. (``node_order_in_lists[k]`` is the index of the ``k`` th node.) kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments to specify node attributes. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node|. """ # (Exception: ``demand_list`` and ``probabilities`` attributes of |class_demand_source| may be # lists; these lists are treated as singletons for the purpose of the rules above.) # Create network. network = SupplyChainNetwork() # Set _currently_building flag so we don't re-build product attributes in the next step. network._currently_building = True # Is the edge list non-empty? if edges: # Add nodes from edge list. for e in edges: if e[0] not in network.node_indices: network.add_node(SupplyChainNode(e[0])) if e[1] not in network.node_indices: network.add_node(SupplyChainNode(e[1])) else: # Add single node. if node_order_in_lists is not None: ind = node_order_in_lists[0] else: ind = 0 network.add_node(SupplyChainNode(ind)) # Check attributes in kwargs. for a in kwargs.keys(): if not hasattr(network.nodes[0], a) and \ not hasattr(network.nodes[0].demand_source, a) and \ not hasattr(network.nodes[0].inventory_policy, a) and \ not hasattr(network.nodes[0].disruption_process, a) and \ a not in ('demand_type', 'policy_type', 'order_capacity'): raise AttributeError(f"{a} is not an attribute of SupplyChainNode") # Check node_order_in_lists; if not provided, build it. if node_order_in_lists is None: node_order_in_lists = sorted(network.node_indices) else: if set(node_order_in_lists) != set(network.node_indices): raise ValueError("node_order_in_lists does not match nodes contained in edge list") # Add edges. for e in edges: source = network.get_node_from_index(e[0]) sink = network.get_node_from_index(e[1]) network.add_successor(source, sink) # Build data dict. data_dict = build_node_data_dict(attribute_dict=kwargs, node_order_in_lists=node_order_in_lists) # Set node attributes. (The code below uses the get() function to access the # dictionaries within data_dict; get() returns None if the requested key is not # in the dict.) for n in network.nodes: # Costs and lead times. if data_dict[n.index].get('local_holding_cost') is not None: n.local_holding_cost = data_dict[n.index].get('local_holding_cost') else: n.local_holding_cost = data_dict[n.index].get('holding_cost') n.echelon_holding_cost = data_dict[n.index].get('echelon_holding_cost') n.order_capacity = data_dict[n.index].get('order_capacity') n.local_holding_cost_function = data_dict[n.index].get('local_holding_cost_function') n.in_transit_holding_cost = data_dict[n.index].get('in_transit_holding_cost') n.stockout_cost = data_dict[n.index].get('stockout_cost') n.stockout_cost_function = data_dict[n.index].get('stockout_cost_function') n.purchase_cost = data_dict[n.index].get('purchase_cost') n.revenue = data_dict[n.index].get('revenue') if data_dict[n.index].get('shipment_lead_time') is not None: n.shipment_lead_time = data_dict[n.index].get('shipment_lead_time') else: n.shipment_lead_time = data_dict[n.index].get('lead_time') n.order_lead_time = data_dict[n.index].get('order_lead_time') # Demand source. If this is a sink node OR if demand_source or demand_type were # provided as a dict or list (not a singleton) and node was included in it, # build demand_source as specified by kwargs. Otherwise (it's not a sink node # and demand_source and demand_type are singletons or do not include node), # create DemandSource of type None. if n in network.sink_nodes or \ (is_iterable(kwargs.get('demand_source')) and data_dict[n.index].get('demand_source') is not None) or \ (is_iterable(kwargs.get('demand_type')) and data_dict[n.index].get('demand_type') is not None): if data_dict[n.index].get('demand_source') is not None: n.demand_source = data_dict[n.index]['demand_source'] else: # Create DemandSource object. (Don't override default value for round_to_int # with None.) ds = DemandSource() ds.type = data_dict[n.index].get('demand_type') if data_dict[n.index].get('round_to_int') is not None: ds.round_to_int = data_dict[n.index].get('round_to_int') ds.mean = data_dict[n.index].get('mean') ds.standard_deviation = data_dict[n.index].get('standard_deviation') ds.demand_list = data_dict[n.index].get('demand_list') ds.probabilities = data_dict[n.index].get('probabilities') ds.lo = data_dict[n.index].get('lo') ds.hi = data_dict[n.index].get('hi') n.demand_source = ds else: n.demand_source = DemandSource() # Inventory policy. if data_dict[n.index].get('inventory_policy') is not None: n.inventory_policy = data_dict[n.index]['inventory_policy'] n.inventory_policy.node = n else: # Create Policy object. pol = Policy() pol.type = data_dict[n.index].get('policy_type') pol.node = n pol.base_stock_level = data_dict[n.index].get('base_stock_level') pol.order_quantity = data_dict[n.index].get('order_quantity') pol.reorder_point = data_dict[n.index].get('reorder_point') pol.order_up_to_level = data_dict[n.index].get('order_up_to_level') n.inventory_policy = pol # Disruption process. if data_dict[n.index].get('disruption_process') is not None: n.disruption_process = data_dict[n.index]['disruption_process'] else: # Create DisruptionProcess object. (Don't override default values for disruption_type # or disrupted with None.) dp = DisruptionProcess() dp.random_process_type = data_dict[n.index].get('random_process_type') if data_dict[n.index].get('disruption_type') is not None: dp.disruption_type = data_dict[n.index].get('disruption_type') dp.disruption_probability = data_dict[n.index].get('disruption_probability') dp.recovery_probability = data_dict[n.index].get('recovery_probability') dp.disruption_state_list = data_dict[n.index].get('disruption_state_list') if data_dict[n.index].get('disrupted') is not None: dp.disrupted = data_dict[n.index].get('disrupted') n.disruption_process = dp # Supply type. if not n.predecessors(): n.supply_type = 'U' # Initial quantities. n.initial_inventory_level = data_dict[n.index].get('initial_inventory_level') n.initial_orders = data_dict[n.index].get('initial_orders') n.initial_shipments = data_dict[n.index].get('initial_shipments') # GSM parameters. n.processing_time = data_dict[n.index].get('processing_time') n.external_inbound_cst = data_dict[n.index].get('external_inbound_cst') n.external_outbound_cst = data_dict[n.index].get('external_outbound_cst') n.demand_bound_constant = data_dict[n.index].get('demand_bound_constant') n.units_required = data_dict[n.index].get('units_required') # Problem-specific data. n.problem_specific_data = data_dict[n.index].get('problem_specific_data') # Turn off _currently_building flag and build product-related attributes. network._currently_building = False network._build_product_attributes() return network
# =============================================================================== # Methods to Create Specific Network Structures # ===============================================================================
[docs]def single_stage_system(index=0, **kwargs): """Generate a single-stage network. The ``kwargs`` parameters specify the attributes (data) for the node. For the ``demand_source`` attribute, you may pass a |class_demand_source| object *or* the individual attributes of the demand source (``mean``, ``round_to_int``, etc.). In the latter case, a ``DemandSource`` object will be constructed with the specified attributes and filled into the ``demand_source`` attribute of the node. **Note:** If providing individual demand source attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``demand_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. Similarly, you may pass |class_policy| and |class_disruption_process| objects for the ``inventory_policy`` and ``disruption_process`` attributes, or you may pass the individual attributes for these objects. **Note:** If providing individual inventory policy attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``policy_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node| or one of its attribute objects (|class_demand_source|, |class_policy|, or |class_disruption_process|), an ``AttributeError`` is raised. (Exception: ``demand_type`` and ``policy_type`` are allowed even though they are not attributes of |class_node|; see above.) .. note:: This function does not check that valid attributes have been provided for ``demand_source``, ``inventory_policy``, and ``disruption_process``. For example, it does not check that a ``base_stock_level`` has been provided if the policy type is set to ``BS``. Parameters ---------- index : int, optional Index to use for the node. Default = 0. kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments to specify node attributes. Returns ------- network : |class_network| The single-stage network, with parameters filled. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node|. **Example** (a |class_network| object containing the data from Example 4.1): .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.supply_chain_network import * .. doctest:: >>> network = single_stage_system(holding_cost=0.18, ... stockout_cost=0.70, ... demand_type='N', ... mean=50, standard_deviation=8, ... policy_type='BS', ... base_stock_level=56.6) >>> network.nodes[0].stockout_cost 0.7 """ return network_from_edges( edges=[], node_order_in_lists=[index], **kwargs )
[docs]def serial_system(num_nodes, node_order_in_system=None, node_order_in_lists=None, **kwargs): """Generate a serial system with the specified number of nodes. By default, node 0 is upstream and node ``num_nodes`` - 1 is downstream, but this can be changed by setting ``node_order_in_system``. The ``kwargs`` parameters specify the attributes (data) for the nodes in the network. If they are provided, they must be either a dict, a list, or a singleton, with the following requirements: * If the parameter is a dict, then the keys must contain the node indices and the values must contain the corresponding attribute values. If a given node index is contained in ``node_order_in_system`` (or in ``range(num_nodes)``, if ``node_order_in_system`` is not provided) but is not a key in the dict, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a singleton, then the attribute is set to that value for all nodes. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is provided, ``node_order_in_lists`` must contain the same indices as ``node_order_in_system`` (if it is provided) or 0, ..., ``num_nodes`` - 1 (if it is not), otherwise a ``ValueError`` is raised. The values in the list are assumed to correspond to the node indices in the order they are specified in ``node_order_in_lists``. That is, the value in slot ``k`` in the parameter list is assigned to the node with index ``node_order_in_lists[k]``. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is not provided, the values in the list are assumed to correspond to nodes in the same order as ``node_order_in_system`` (or in ``range(num_nodes)``, if ``node_order_in_system`` is not provided). ``demand_source`` and ``stockout_cost`` attributes are only set at the downstream-most node, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set. ``supply_type`` attribute is set to 'U' at the upstream-most node and to ``None`` at all other nodes, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set. For the ``demand_source`` attribute, you may pass a |class_demand_source| object *or* the individual attributes of the demand source (``mean``, ``round_to_int``, etc.). In the latter case, a ``DemandSource`` object will be constructed with the specified attributes and filled into the ``demand_source`` attribute of the node. **Note:** If providing individual demand source attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``demand_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. Similarly, you may pass |class_policy| and |class_disruption_process| objects for the ``inventory_policy`` and ``disruption_process`` attributes, or you may pass the individual attributes for these objects. **Note:** If providing individual inventory policy attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``policy_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node| or one of its attribute objects (|class_demand_source|, |class_policy|, or |class_disruption_process|), an ``AttributeError`` is raised. (Exception: ``demand_type`` and ``policy_type`` are allowed even though they are not attributes of |class_node|; see above.) .. note:: This function does not check that valid attributes have been provided for ``demand_source``, ``inventory_policy``, and ``disruption_process``. For example, it does not check that a ``base_stock_level`` has been provided if the policy type is set to ``BS``. Parameters ---------- num_nodes : int Number of nodes in the serial system. node_order_in_system : list, optional List of node indices in the order that they appear in the serial system, with upstream-most node listed first. If omitted, the system will be indexed 0, ..., ``num_nodes`` - 1. node_order_in_lists : list, optional List of node indices in the order in which the nodes are listed in any attributes that are lists. (``node_order_in_lists[k]`` is the index of the ``k`` th node.) kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments to specify node attributes. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node|. **Example** (a |class_network| object containing the data from Example 4.1): .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.supply_chain_network import * .. doctest:: >>> network = single_stage_system(holding_cost=0.18, ... stockout_cost=0.70, ... demand_type='N', ... mean=50, standard_deviation=8, ... policy_type='BS', ... base_stock_level=56.6) >>> network.nodes[0].stockout_cost 0.7 """ # (Exception: ``demand_list`` and ``probabilities`` attributes of |class_demand_source| may be # lists; these lists are treated as singletons for the purpose of the rules above.) # Determine edges of network. if node_order_in_system is None: node_order_in_system = list(range(num_nodes)) edges = [(node_order_in_system[k], node_order_in_system[k + 1]) for k in range(len(node_order_in_system) - 1)] # Make local copy of kwarg dict. local_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) # Determine node_order_in_lists. if node_order_in_lists is None: node_order_in_lists = node_order_in_system # Build network. network = network_from_edges( edges=edges, node_order_in_lists=node_order_in_lists, **local_kwargs ) # Determine sink node. sink_node = node_order_in_system[-1] # Set demand_source and stockout_cost parameters so they only occur at sink node. for node in network.nodes: if node.index != sink_node: node.demand_source = DemandSource() node.stockout_cost = 0 node.stockout_cost_function = None return network
[docs]def owmr_system(num_retailers, node_order_in_system=None, node_order_in_lists=None, **kwargs): """Generate a one-warehouse, multiple-retailer (OWMR) (i.e., 2-echelon distribution) system with the specified number of retailers. By default, node 0 is the warehouse and nodes 1, ..., ``num_retailers`` are the retailers, but this can be changed by setting ``node_order_in_system``. The ``kwargs`` parameters specify the attributes (data) for the nodes in the network. If they are provided, they must be either a dict, a list, or a singleton, with the following requirements: * If the parameter is a dict, then the keys must contain the node indices and the values must contain the corresponding attribute values. If a given node index is contained in ``node_order_in_system`` (or in ``range(num_nodes)``, if ``node_order_in_system`` is not provided) but is not a key in the dict, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a singleton, then the attribute is set to that value for all nodes. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is provided, ``node_order_in_lists`` must contain the same indices as the nodes in the edges in ``edges`` (otherwise a ``ValueError`` is raised). The values in the list are assumed to correspond to the node indices in the order they are specified in ``node_order_in_lists``. That is, the value in slot ``k`` in the parameter list is assigned to the node with index ``node_order_in_lists[k]``. If a given node index is contained in the list of edges but is not in ``node_order_in_lists``, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is not provided, the values in the list are assumed to correspond to nodes in the same order as ``node_order_in_system`` (or in ``range(num_retailers+1)``, if ``node_order_in_system`` is not provided). ``demand_source`` attribute is not set at the warehouse node, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set.``supply_type`` attribute is set to 'U' at the warehouse node and to ``None`` at all other nodes, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set. For the ``demand_source`` attribute, you may pass a |class_demand_source| object *or* the individual attributes of the demand source (``mean``, ``round_to_int``, etc.). In the latter case, a ``DemandSource`` object will be constructed with the specified attributes and filled into the ``demand_source`` attribute of the node. **Note:** If providing individual demand source attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``demand_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. Similarly, you may pass |class_policy| and |class_disruption_process| objects for the ``inventory_policy`` and ``disruption_process`` attributes, or you may pass the individual attributes for these objects. **Note:** If providing individual inventory policy attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``policy_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node| or one of its attribute objects (|class_demand_source|, |class_policy|, or |class_disruption_process|), an ``AttributeError`` is raised. (Exception: ``demand_type`` and ``policy_type`` are allowed even though they are not attributes of |class_node|; see above.) .. note:: This function does not check that valid attributes have been provided for ``demand_source``, ``inventory_policy``, and ``disruption_process``. For example, it does not check that a ``base_stock_level`` has been provided if the policy type is set to ``BS``. Parameters ---------- num_retailers : int Number of retailers in OWMR system. node_order_in_system : list, optional List of node indices in the order that they appear in the OWMR system, with warehouse node first and retailer nodes last. If omitted, the warehouse will have index 0 and the retailers will have indices 1, ..., ``num_retailers``. node_order_in_lists : list, optional List of node indices in the order in which the nodes are listed in any attributes that are lists. (``node_order_in_lists[k]`` is the index of the ``k`` th node.) kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments to specify node attributes. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node|. """ # Determine edges of network. if node_order_in_system is None: node_order_in_system = list(range(0, num_retailers + 1)) edges = [(node_order_in_system[0], node_order_in_system[k]) for k in range(1, num_retailers + 1)] # Make local copy of kwarg dict. local_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) # Set demand_source parameter so it only occurs at retailer nodes. if 'demand_source' not in local_kwargs: local_kwargs['demand_source'] = {} local_kwargs['demand_source'][node_order_in_system[-1]] = DemandSource() # Determine node_order_in_lists. if node_order_in_lists is None: node_order_in_lists = node_order_in_system # Build network. return network_from_edges( edges=edges, node_order_in_lists=node_order_in_lists, **local_kwargs )
[docs]def mwor_system(num_warehouses, node_order_in_system=None, node_order_in_lists=None, **kwargs): """Generate a multiple-warehouse, one-retailer (MWOR) (i.e., 2-echelon assembly) system with the specified number of warehouses. By default, node 0 is the retailer and nodes 1, ..., ``num_warehouses`` are the warehouses, but this can be changed by setting ``node_order_in_system``. The ``kwargs`` parameters specify the attributes (data) for the nodes in the network. If they are provided, they must be either a dict, a list, or a singleton, with the following requirements: * If the parameter is a dict, then the keys must contain the node indices and the values must contain the corresponding attribute values. If a given node index is contained in ``node_order_in_system`` (or in ``range(num_nodes)``, if ``node_order_in_system`` is not provided) but is not a key in the dict, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a singleton, then the attribute is set to that value for all nodes. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is provided, ``node_order_in_lists`` must contain the same indices as the nodes in the edges in ``edges`` (otherwise a ``ValueError`` is raised). The values in the list are assumed to correspond to the node indices in the order they are specified in ``node_order_in_lists``. That is, the value in slot ``k`` in the parameter list is assigned to the node with index ``node_order_in_lists[k]``. If a given node index is contained in the list of edges but is not in ``node_order_in_lists``, the attribute value is set to ``None`` for that node. * If the parameter is a list and ``node_order_in_lists`` is not provided, the values in the list are assumed to correspond to nodes in the same order as ``node_order_in_system`` (or in ``range(num_warehouses+1)``, if ``node_order_in_system`` is not provided). ``demand_source`` attribute is only set at the retailer node, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set. ``supply_type`` attribute is set to 'U' at the warehouse nodes and to ``None`` at the retailer node, no matter how (or whether) the corresponding parameter is set. For the ``demand_source`` attribute, you may pass a |class_demand_source| object *or* the individual attributes of the demand source (``mean``, ``round_to_int``, etc.). In the latter case, a ``DemandSource`` object will be constructed with the specified attributes and filled into the ``demand_source`` attribute of the node. **Note:** If providing individual demand source attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``demand_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. Similarly, you may pass |class_policy| and |class_disruption_process| objects for the ``inventory_policy`` and ``disruption_process`` attributes, or you may pass the individual attributes for these objects. **Note:** If providing individual inventory policy attributes, the ``type`` attribute must be called ``policy_type`` to avoid ambiguity with other objects. If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node| or one of its attribute objects (|class_demand_source|, |class_policy|, or |class_disruption_process|), an ``AttributeError`` is raised. (Exception: ``demand_type`` and ``policy_type`` are allowed even though they are not attributes of |class_node|; see above.) .. note:: This function does not check that valid attributes have been provided for ``demand_source``, ``inventory_policy``, and ``disruption_process``. For example, it does not check that a ``base_stock_level`` has been provided if the policy type is set to ``BS``. Parameters ---------- num_warehouses : int Number of warehouses in MWOR system. node_order_in_system : list, optional List of node indices in the order that they appear in the MWOR system, with warehouse nodes first and retailer node last. If omitted, the retailer will have index 0 and the warehouses will have indices 1, ..., ``num_warehouses``. node_order_in_lists : list, optional List of node indices in the order in which the nodes are listed in any attributes that are lists. (``node_order_in_lists[k]`` is the index of the ``k`` th node.) kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments to specify node attributes. Raises ------ AttributeError If ``kwargs`` contains a parameter that is not an attribute of |class_node|. """ # Determine edges of network. if node_order_in_system is None: node_order_in_system = list(range(1, num_warehouses + 1)) + [0] edges = [(node_order_in_system[k], node_order_in_system[-1]) for k in range(0, num_warehouses)] # Make local copy of kwarg dict. local_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) # Set demand_source parameter so it only occurs at retailer node. if 'demand_source' not in local_kwargs: local_kwargs['demand_source'] = {} for n in node_order_in_system[0:-1]: local_kwargs['demand_source'][n] = DemandSource() # Determine node_order_in_lists. if node_order_in_lists is None: node_order_in_lists = node_order_in_system # Build network. return network_from_edges( edges=edges, node_order_in_lists=node_order_in_lists, **local_kwargs )
# =============================================================================== # Local vs. Echelon Methods # ===============================================================================
[docs]def local_to_echelon_base_stock_levels(network, S_local): """Convert local base-stock levels to echelon base-stock levels for a serial system. Assumes network is serial system but does not assume anything about the labeling of the nodes. Parameters ---------- network : |class_network| The serial inventory network. S_local : dict Dict of local base-stock levels. Returns ------- S_echelon : dict Dict of echelon base-stock levels. """ S_echelon = {} for n in network.nodes: S_echelon[n.index] = S_local[n.index] k = n.get_one_successor() while k is not None: S_echelon[n.index] += S_local[k.index] k = k.get_one_successor() return S_echelon
[docs]def echelon_to_local_base_stock_levels(network, S_echelon): """Convert echelon base-stock levels to local base-stock levels for a serial system. Assumes network is serial system but does not assume anything about the labeling of the nodes. Parameters ---------- network : |class_network| The serial inventory network. S_echelon : dict Dict of echelon base-stock levels. Returns ------- S_local : dict Dict of local base-stock levels. """ S_local = {} num_nodes = len(network.nodes) # Determine indexing of nodes. (node_list[i] = index of i'th node, where # i = 0 means sink node and i = N-1 means source node.) node_list = [] n = network.sink_nodes[0] while n is not None: node_list.append(n.index) n = n.get_one_predecessor() # Calculate S-minus. S_minus = {} for j in range(num_nodes): S_minus[node_list[j]] = np.min([S_echelon[node_list[i]] for i in range(j, num_nodes)]) # Calculate S_local. for n in network.nodes: # Get successor. k = n.get_one_successor() if k is None: S_local[n.index] = S_minus[n.index] else: S_local[n.index] = S_minus[n.index] - S_minus[k.index] return S_local