Source code for

# ===============================================================================
# stockpyl - ss Module
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Larry Snyder
# License: GPLv3
# ===============================================================================

.. include:: ../../


The |mod_ss| module contains code for solving the |ss| optimization problem.

.. note:: |fosct_notation|

.. seealso::

	For an overview of single-echelon inventory optimization in |sp|,
	see the :ref:`tutorial page for single-echelon inventory optimization<tutorial_seio_page>`.

API Reference


from scipy import integrate
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.stats import poisson
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

from stockpyl.newsvendor import *
from stockpyl.eoq import *
#import stockpyl.loss_functions as lf

[docs]def s_s_cost_discrete(reorder_point, order_up_to_level, holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean=None, demand_hi=None, demand_pmf=None): """Calculate the exact cost of the given solution for an |ss| policy with given parameters under a discrete (Poisson or custom) demand distribution. Uses method introduced in Zheng and Federgruen (1991). Parameters ---------- reorder_point : float Reorder point. [:math:`s`] order_up_to_level : float Order-up-to level. [:math:`S`] holding_cost : float Holding cost per item per period. [:math:`h`] stockout_cost : float Stockout cost per item per period. [:math:`p`] fixed_cost : float Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] use_poisson : bool Set to ``True`` to use Poisson distribution, ``False`` to use custom discrete distribution. If ``True``, then ``mean`` must be provided; if ``False``, then ``hi`` and ``demand_pdf`` must be provied. demand_mean : float, optional Mean demand per period. Required if ``use_poisson`` is ``True``, ignored otherwise. [:math:`\\mu`] demand_hi : int, optional Upper limit of support of demand per period (lower limit is assumed to be 0). Required if ``use_poisson`` is ``False``, ignored otherwise. demand_pmf : list, optional List of pmf values for demand values 0, ..., ``hi``. Required if ``use_poisson`` is ``False``, ignored otherwise. Returns ------- cost : float Expected cost per period. [:math:`g(s,S)`] Raises ------ ValueError If ``reorder_point`` or ``order_up_to_level`` is not an integer. ValueError If ``holding_cost``, ``stockout_cost``, or ``fixed_cost`` <= 0. ValueError If ``demand_mean`` < 0, or if ``demand_hi`` is not a non-negative integer. ValueError If ``demand_pmf`` is not a list of length ``demand_hi`` + 1. **Equations Used** (equation (5.7)): .. math:: g(s,S) = \\frac{K + \\sum_{d=0}^{S-s-1} m(d)g(S-d)}{M(S-s)}, where :math:`g(\cdot)` is the newsvendor cost function and :math:`M(\\cdot)` and :math:`m(\\cdot)` are as described in equations (4.71)--(4.75). References ---------- Y.-S. Zheng and A. Federgruen, Finding Optimal |ss| Policies is About as Simple as Evaluating a Single Policy, *Operations Research* 39(4), 654-665 (1991). **Example** (Example 4.7): .. testsetup:: * from import * .. doctest:: >>> s_s_cost_discrete(4, 10, 1, 4, 5, True, 6) 8.034111561471642 """ # Check parameters. if not is_integer(reorder_point): raise ValueError("reorder_point must be an integer") if not is_integer(order_up_to_level): raise ValueError("order_up_to_level must be an integer") if holding_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("holding_cost must be positive") if stockout_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("stockout_cost must be positive") if fixed_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be positive") if demand_mean is not None and demand_mean < 0: raise ValueError("demand_mean must be non-negative (or None)") if demand_hi is not None and (demand_hi < 0 or not is_integer(demand_hi)): raise ValueError("demand_hi must be a non-negative integer (or None)") if demand_pmf is not None and \ (not is_list(demand_pmf) or len(demand_pmf) != demand_hi+1): raise ValueError("demand_pmf must be a list of length demand_hi+1 (or None)") # Determine demand pmf to use based on use_poisson. if use_poisson: # We only need values up through S-s. pmf = poisson.pmf(range(int(order_up_to_level) - int(reorder_point)), demand_mean) else: pmf = demand_pmf # Calculate m(.) function. m = np.zeros(int(order_up_to_level) - int(reorder_point)) m[0] = 1.0 / (1 - pmf[0]) for j in range(1, int(order_up_to_level) - int(reorder_point)): m[j] = m[0] * np.sum([pmf[l] * m[j-l] for l in range(1, j+1)]) # old (incorrect) method: # m[j] = np.sum([pmf[d] * m[j-d] for d in range(j+1)]) # Calculate M(.) function. M = np.zeros(int(order_up_to_level) - int(reorder_point) + 1) M[0] = 0 for j in range(1, int(order_up_to_level) - int(reorder_point) + 1): M[j] = M[j-1] + m[j-1] # Calculate g(s,S). cost = fixed_cost for d in range(int(order_up_to_level) - int(reorder_point)): if use_poisson: cost += m[d] * newsvendor_poisson_cost(order_up_to_level - d, holding_cost=holding_cost, stockout_cost=stockout_cost, demand_mean=demand_mean) else: cost += m[d] * newsvendor_discrete( holding_cost=holding_cost, stockout_cost=stockout_cost, demand_distrib=None, demand_pmf={n: demand_pmf[n] for n in range(demand_hi)}, base_stock_level=order_up_to_level - d)[1] cost /= M[int(order_up_to_level)-int(reorder_point)] return cost
[docs]def s_s_discrete_exact(holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean=None, demand_hi=None, demand_pmf=None): """Determine optimal :math:`s` and :math:`S` for an |ss| policy under a discrete (Poisson or custom) demand distribution. Uses method introduced in Zheng and Federgruen (1991). Parameters ---------- holding_cost : float Holding cost per item per period. [:math:`h`] stockout_cost : float Stockout cost per item per period. [:math:`p`] fixed_cost : float Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] use_poisson : bool Set to ``True`` to use Poisson distribution, ``False`` to use custom discrete distribution. If ``True``, then ``demand_mean`` must be provided; if ``False``, then ``demand_hi`` and ``demand_pdf`` must be provied. demand_mean : float, optional Mean demand per period. Required if ``use_poisson`` is ``True``, ignored otherwise. [:math:`\\mu`] demand_hi : int, optional Upper limit of support of demand per period (lower limit is assumed to be 0). Required if ``use_poisson`` is ``False``, ignored otherwise. demand_pmf : list, optional List of pmf values for demand values 0, ..., ``demand_hi``. Required if ``use_poisson`` is ``False``, ignored otherwise. Returns ------- reorder_point : float Reorder point. [:math:`s`] order_up_to_level : float Order-up-to level. [:math:`S`] cost : float Expected cost per period. [:math:`g(s,S)`] Raises ------ ValueError If ``holding_cost``, ``stockout_cost``, or ``fixed_cost`` <= 0. ValueError If ``demand_mean`` < 0, or if ``demand_hi`` is not a non-negative integer. ValueError If ``demand_pmf`` is not a list of length ``demand_hi`` + 1. **Algorithm Used:** Exact algorithm for periodic-review |ss| policies with discrete demand distribution (Algorithm 4.2) References ---------- Y.-S. Zheng and A. Federgruen, Finding Optimal |ss| Policies is About as Simple as Evaluating a Single Policy, *Operations Research* 39(4), 654-665 (1991). **Example** (Example 4.7): .. testsetup:: * from import * .. doctest:: >>> s_s_discrete_exact(1, 4, 5, True, 6) (4.0, 10.0, 8.034111561471642) """ # Check parameters. if holding_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("holding_cost must be positive") if stockout_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("stockout_cost must be positive") if fixed_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be positive") if demand_mean is not None and demand_mean < 0: raise ValueError("demand_mean must be non-negative (or None)") if demand_hi is not None and (demand_hi < 0 or not is_integer(demand_hi)): raise ValueError("demand_hi must be a non-negative integer (or None)") if demand_pmf is not None and \ (not is_list(demand_pmf) or len(demand_pmf) != demand_hi+1): raise ValueError("demand_pmf must be a list of length demand_hi+1 (or None)") # Determine y^*. if use_poisson: demand_pmf_dict = None y_star, _ = newsvendor_poisson(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_mean) else: demand_pmf_dict = {d: demand_pmf[d] for d in range(demand_hi+1)} y_star, _ = newsvendor_discrete(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_pmf=demand_pmf_dict) # Initialize. S0 = y_star s = y_star # Find s(S0). done = False while not done: s -= 1 if use_poisson: gs = newsvendor_poisson_cost(s, holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_mean) else: gs = newsvendor_discrete(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_pmf=demand_pmf_dict, base_stock_level=s)[1] gsS0 = s_s_cost_discrete(s, S0, holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean, demand_hi, demand_pmf) if gsS0 <= gs: done = True # Set s0. s0 = s # Initialize incumbent and cost. S_hat = S0 s_hat = s0 g_hat = s_s_cost_discrete(s_hat, S_hat, holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean, demand_hi, demand_pmf) # Choose next order-up-to level to consider. S = S_hat + 1 # Loop through S values. if use_poisson: gS = newsvendor_poisson_cost(S, holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_mean) else: gS = newsvendor_discrete(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_pmf=demand_pmf_dict, base_stock_level=S)[1] while gS <= g_hat: # Check for improvement. gsS = s_s_cost_discrete(s_hat, S, holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean, demand_hi, demand_pmf) if gsS < g_hat: # Update incumbent S. S_hat = S if use_poisson: gs = newsvendor_poisson_cost(s+1, holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_mean) else: gs = newsvendor_discrete(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_pmf=demand_pmf_dict, base_stock_level=s+1)[1] while s_s_cost_discrete(s, S_hat, holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean, demand_hi, demand_pmf) <= gs: s += 1 if use_poisson: gs = newsvendor_poisson_cost(s + 1, holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_mean) else: gs = newsvendor_discrete(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_pmf=demand_pmf_dict, base_stock_level=s+1)[1] # Update incumbent s and g. s_hat = s g_hat = s_s_cost_discrete(s_hat, S_hat, holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, use_poisson, demand_mean, demand_hi, demand_pmf) # Try next order-up-to level. S += 1 if use_poisson: gS = newsvendor_poisson_cost(S, holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_mean) else: gS = newsvendor_discrete(holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_pmf=demand_pmf_dict, base_stock_level=S)[1] s = s_hat S = S_hat g = g_hat return s, S, g
[docs]def s_s_power_approximation(holding_cost, stockout_cost, fixed_cost, demand_mean, demand_sd): """Determine heuristic :math:`s` and :math:`S` for an |ss| policy under a normal demand distribution. Uses the power approximation by Ehrhardt and Mosier (1984). Parameters ---------- holding_cost : float Holding cost per item per period. [:math:`h`] stockout_cost : float Stockout cost per item per period. [:math:`p`] fixed_cost : float Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] demand_mean : float Mean demand per period. [:math:`\\mu`] demand_sd : float Standard deviation of demand per period. [:math:`\\sigma`] Returns ------- reorder_point : float Reorder point. [:math:`s`] order_up_to_level : float Order-up-to level. [:math:`S`] Raises ------ ValueError If ``holding_cost``, ``stockout_cost``, or ``fixed_cost`` <= 0. ValueError If ``demand_mean`` or ``demand_sd`` < 0. References ---------- R. Ehrhardt and C. Mosier, A Revision of the Power Approximation for Computing |ss| Policies, *Management Science* 30, 618-622 (1984). **Equations Used** (equations (4.77)-(4.80)): .. math:: Q = 1.30 \\mu^{0.494} \\left(\\frac{K}{h}\\right)^{0.506} \\left(1 + \\frac{\\sigma_L^2}{\\mu^2}\\right)^{ 0.116} z = \\sqrt{\\frac{Q}{\\sigma_L} \\frac{h}{p}} s = 0.973\\mu_L + \\sigma_L\\left(\\frac{0.183}{z} + 1.063 - 2.192z\\right) \\label{eq:sS_power_approx3} S = s + Q where :math:`\\mu_L = \\mu L` and :math:`\\sigma^2_L = \\sigma^2L` are the mean and standard deviation of the lead-time demand. **Example** (Example 4.7): .. testsetup:: * from import * .. doctest:: >>> s_s_power_approximation(0.18, 0.70, 2.5, 50, 8) (40.19461695647407, 74.29017010980579) """ # Check that parameters are positive/non-negative. if holding_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("holding_cost must be positive") if stockout_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("stockout_cost must be positive") if fixed_cost <= 0: raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be positive") if demand_mean < 0: raise ValueError("mean must be non-negative") if demand_sd < 0: raise ValueError("demand_sd must be non-negative") # Calculate Q and z. Q = 1.30 * (demand_mean**0.494) * (fixed_cost / holding_cost)**0.506 \ * (1 + (demand_sd / demand_mean)**2)**0.116 z = math.sqrt((Q / demand_sd) * (holding_cost / stockout_cost)) # Calculate s and S. s = 0.973 * demand_mean + demand_sd * ((0.183 / z) + 1.063 - 2.192*z) S = s + Q return s, S