Source code for stockpyl.instances

# ===============================================================================
# stockpyl - instances Module
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Larry Snyder
# License: GPLv3
# ===============================================================================

.. include:: ../../


The |mod_instances| module contains code for loading and saving problem instances.

.. note:: |fosct_notation| 

	The abbreviation *SCMO* below refers to the textbook
	*Supply Chain Modeling and Optimization* by Snyder, Smilowitz, and Shen, forthcoming.

|sp| has a number of built-in instances, most (but not all) of which are taken from |fosct|.
These can be loaded using the :func:`~load_instance` function by providing the instance name. 
A list of the built-in instances is provided below.

.. include:: ../../../src/stockpyl/aux_files/stockpyl_instances_metadata.rst


API Reference


import os
import json
import warnings
import datetime
import jsonpickle
import csv
from copy import deepcopy
import inspect

from stockpyl.supply_chain_network import *
from stockpyl.supply_chain_node import *

[docs]def load_instance(instance_name, filepath=None, ignore_state_vars=True): """Load an instance from a JSON file. If the instance was originally specified as a |class_network| object, returns the object; otherwise, returns the instance in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- instance_name : str The name of the instance. filepath : str, optional Path to the JSON file. If ``None``, the function determines the path to ``datasets/stockpyl_instances.json``. ignore_state_vars : bool, optional If ``True``, function will ignore any saved state variables in the nodes. Returns ------- dict or |class_network| The loaded instance. If the instance was originally specified as a |class_network| object, returns the object; otherwise, returns the instance in a dictionary in which the keys equal the parameter names (e.g., "holding_cost") and the values equal the parameter values (e.g., 0.5). Raises ------ ValueError If the JSON file does not exist or the instance cannot be found in the JSON file. """ # Determine filepath. if filepath is None: filepath = _stockpyl_instances_json_path() # Does JSON file exist? if os.path.exists(filepath): # Use this path. new_path = filepath else: # Try changing working directory to project root (stockpyl/). This is mainly a workaround for # when this function is called from doctests. one_level_up = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) new_path = os.path.join(one_level_up, filepath) if not os.path.exists(new_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"The JSON file {os.path.abspath(filepath)} was not found") # Load data from JSON. with open(new_path) as f: json_contents = json.load(f) # Look for instance. ( instance_index = next((i for i, item in enumerate(json_contents["instances"]) \ if item["name"] == instance_name), None) # Was instance found? if instance_index is None: raise KeyError("The speficied instance name was not found") # Get instance. instance = json_contents["instances"][instance_index]["data"] instance_type = json_contents["instances"][instance_index]["type"] # Was instance saved as a dict or a network? if instance_type == "network": # As a network. instance = SupplyChainNetwork.from_dict(instance) # Delete the state variables and replace with initialized version, # if ignore_state_variables = True. if ignore_state_vars: for n in instance.nodes: n.state_vars = [] # Ensure that all nodes have dummy product fields set correctly. This is to maintain backward # compatitbility with earlier versions, which did not save product info (including dummy products). for n in instance.nodes: # Does node already have dummy product? if n._dummy_product is None: # Add a dummy product, whether or not it needs one (mainly to assign the index). n._add_dummy_product() # Assign external supplier dummy product. n._external_supplier_dummy_product = SupplyChainProduct(n._dummy_product.index - 1, is_dummy=True) # Does node have "real" products? (This will probably never happen, since products were introduced # in the same version as dummy products--so if a node has products, it probably has dummy products # correctly handled already.) if len(n.products_by_index) > 1: # Remove dummy product. n._remove_dummy_product() else: # As a dict. Leave in place. But: # If the instance contains any dicts with integer keys, they will have # been saved as strings when the JSON was saved. Convert them back to integers here. # Currently, only demand_pmf has this issue. if 'demand_pmf' in instance.keys(): instance['demand_pmf'] = {int(k): v for k, v in instance['demand_pmf'].items()} return instance
[docs]def save_instance(instance_name, instance_data, instance_description='', filepath=None, replace=True, create_if_none=True, delete_if_exists=False, omit_state_vars=True): """Save an instance to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- instance_name : str The name of the instance. This will be used later for retreving the instance. instance_data : dict or SupplyChainNetwork The instance data as a dictionary (with keys equal to parameter names (e.g., "holding_cost") and values equal to parameter values (e.g., 0.5)) or as a |class_network| object (in which case the instance is serialized using :mod:`jsonpickle`). instance_description : str, optional A longer descrtiption of the instance. filepath : str, optional Path to the JSON file. If ``None``, the function determines the path to ``datasets/stockpyl_instances.json``. replace : bool, optional If an instance with the same ``instance_name`` is already in the file, the function will replace it if ``True`` and will ignore it (and write nothing) if ``False``. create_if_none : bool, optional If the file does not already exist, the function will create a new file if ``True``; otherwise, it will not do anything and issue a warning. delete_if_exists : bool, optional If the file already exists, the function will delete it first if ``True``; otherwise, it will modify the existing file. omit_state_vars : bool, optional If ``True``, the function will not save state variables as part of the nodes, even if they are present in the instance. """ # Determine filepath. if filepath is None: filepath = _stockpyl_instances_json_path() # Does JSON file exist? if os.path.exists(filepath): if delete_if_exists: os.remove(filepath) json_contents = { "_id": "", "instances": [], "last_updated": "" } else: # Load data from JSON. with open(filepath) as f: json_contents = json.load(f) else: # Should we create it? if create_if_none: json_contents = { "_id": "", "instances": [], "last_updated": "" } else: warnings.warn('filepath does not exist and create_if_none is False; no action was taken') return # Look for instance. ( instance_index = next((i for i, item in enumerate(json_contents["instances"]) \ if item["name"] == instance_name), None) # Was instance found? if instance_index is not None: if not replace: return # Make local copy of network. local_copy = deepcopy(instance_data) # Was data provided as dict or SupplyChainNetwork? if isinstance(local_copy, dict): data = local_copy instance_type = "dict" else: # Assume SupplyChainNetwork. # Omit state variables, if requested. if omit_state_vars: for n in local_copy.nodes: n.state_vars = None # Convert to dict and JSONify. data = local_copy.to_dict() instance_type = "network" # Create dictionary with instance metadata and data. instance_dict = { "name": instance_name, "description": instance_description, "data": data, "type": instance_type } # Add (or replace) instance. if instance_index is not None: # We already know replace is True, otherwise we would have exited already. json_contents["instances"][instance_index] = instance_dict else: json_contents["instances"].append(instance_dict) json_contents["last_updated"] = f"{}" # If the instance contains any dicts with integer keys, they will be # saved as strings when the JSON is saved. load_instance() converts them back to integers. # Currently, only demand_pmf has this issue. # Make sure path exists; if not, create it. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True) # Write all instances to JSON. with open(filepath, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_contents, f) # Close file. f.close()
def _stockpyl_instances_json_path(): """Determine the path to the JSON file containing the instances. See discussion at Returns ------- str The absolute path, including the filename itself. """ code_file = os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(_stockpyl_instances_json_path)) rtn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(code_file), "datasets", "stockpyl_instances.json") assert os.path.exists(rtn) and os.path.isfile(rtn) return rtn