Source code for stockpyl.gsm_serial

# ===============================================================================
# stockpyl - gsm_serial Module
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Larry Snyder
# License: GPLv3
# ===============================================================================

.. include:: ../../


The |mod_gsm_serial| module contains code to implement dynamic programming (DP) algorithm for guaranteed-service model (GSM)
for multi-echelon inventory systems with serial structures by Inderfurth (1991)).

.. note:: |node_stage|

.. note:: |fosct_notation|

.. seealso::

	For an overview of multi-echelon inventory optimization in |sp|,
	see the :ref:`tutorial page for multi-echelon inventory optimization<tutorial_meio_page>`.

K. Inderfurth. Safety stock optimization in multistage inventory systems. 
*International Journal of Production Economics*, 24:103-113, 1991.

API Reference


import networkx as nx
import copy
from stockpyl.demand_source import DemandSource

from stockpyl.gsm_helpers import *
from stockpyl.helpers import *
from stockpyl.supply_chain_network import SupplyChainNetwork, serial_system
from stockpyl.supply_chain_node import SupplyChainNode


[docs]def optimize_committed_service_times(num_nodes=None, local_holding_cost=None, processing_time=None, demand_bound_constant=None, external_outbound_cst=None, external_inbound_cst=None, demand_mean=None, demand_standard_deviation=None, demand_source=None, network=None): """Optimize committed service times using the dynamic programming (DP) algorithm of Inderfurth (1991). Problem instance may either be provided in the individual parameters ``num_nodes``, ..., ``demand_source``, or in the ``network`` parameter. If the instance is specified in the individual parameters, the nodes must be indexed :math:`N, \\ldots, 1`. (If the instance is specified in the ``network`` parameter, the nodes may be indexed in any way.) The node-specific parameters (``local_holding_cost``, ``processing_time``, and ``demand_bound_constant``) must be either a dict, a list, or a singleton, with the following requirements: * If the parameter is a dict, its keys must equal 1,..., ``num_nodes``, each corresponding to a node index. * If the parameter is a list, it must have length ``num_nodes``; the ``n`` th entry in the list corresponds to node with index ``n`` + 1. * If the parameter is a singleton, all nodes will have that parameter set to the singleton value. Either ``demand_mean`` and ``demand_standard_deviation`` must be provided (in which case the demand will be assumed to be normally distributed) or a ``demand_source`` must be provided. Parameters ---------- num_nodes : int, optional Number of nodes in serial system. [:math:`N`] local_holding_cost : float, list, or dict, optional Local holding cost at each node. [:math:`h`] processing_time : float, list, or dict, optional Processing time at each node. [:math:`T`] demand_bound_constant : float, optional The constant to use in setting the demand bound. [:math:`z_\\alpha`] external_outbound_cst : int, optional Outbound CST to external customer at node 1. external_inbound_cst : int, optional Inbound CST from external supplier at node N. demand_mean : float, optional Mean demand per unit time at node 1. Ignored if ``demand_source`` is not ``None``. [:math:`\\mu`] demand_standard_deviation : float, optional Standard deviation of demand per unit time at node 1. Ignored if ``demand_source`` is not ``None``. [:math:`\\mu`] demand_source : |class_demand_source|, optional A DemandSource object describing the demand distribution at node 1. Required if ``demand_mean`` and ``demand_standard_deviation`` are ``None``. network : |class_network|, optional A SupplyChainNetwork object that provides all of the necessary data. If provided, ``num_nodes``, ..., ``demand_source`` are ignored. Returns ------- opt_cst : dict Dict of optimal CSTs, with node indices as keys and CSTs as values. opt_cost : float Optimal expected cost of system. **Example** (Example 6.3): .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.gsm_serial import * .. doctest:: >>> from stockpyl.instances import load_instance >>> network = load_instance("example_6_3") >>> opt_cst, opt_cost = optimize_committed_service_times(network=network) >>> opt_cst {3: 0, 2: 0, 1: 1} >>> opt_cost 2.8284271247461903 References ---------- K. Inderfurth. Safety stock optimization in multistage inventory systems. *International Journal of Production Economics*, 24:103-113, 1991. """ # Check for presence of data. if network is None and (num_nodes is None or local_holding_cost is None or \ processing_time is None or demand_bound_constant is None or external_outbound_cst is None or \ external_inbound_cst is None or \ ((demand_mean is None or demand_standard_deviation is None) and demand_source is None)): raise ValueError("You must provide either network or num_nodes, ..., demand_bound_constant") # Convert parameters to network, if parameters provided. if network: network = copy.deepcopy(network) else: # Build network. network = SupplyChainNetwork() # Build nodes. for n in range(1, num_nodes + 1): node = SupplyChainNode( index=n, network=network, local_holding_cost=ensure_dict_for_nodes(local_holding_cost, node_indices=list(range(1, num_nodes+1)))[n], processing_time=ensure_dict_for_nodes(processing_time, node_indices=list(range(1, num_nodes+1)))[n], demand_bound_constant=ensure_dict_for_nodes(demand_bound_constant, node_indices=list(range(1, num_nodes+1)))[n] ) if n == 1: # Add demand information. if demand_source is None: node.demand_source = DemandSource( type='N', mean=demand_mean, standard_deviation=demand_standard_deviation ) else: node.demand_source = demand_source # Add external outbound CST. node.external_outbound_cst = external_outbound_cst if n == num_nodes: # Add external inbound CST. node.external_inbound_cst = external_inbound_cst network.add_node(node) # Add edges. network.add_edges_from_list([(n + 1, n) for n in range(1, num_nodes)]) # Solve. opt_cst, opt_cost = _cst_dp_serial(network) return opt_cst, opt_cost
def _cst_dp_serial(network): """Optimize committed service times for serial system. Optimization is performed using the dynamic programming (DP) algorithm of Inderfurth (1991). Assumes demand bound over tau periods is of the form :math:`z_\\alpha\\sigma\\sqrt{\\tau}`. Parameters ---------- network : |class_network| The multi-echelon serial network. Returns ------- opt_cst : dict Dict of optimal CSTs, with node indices as keys and CSTs as values. opt_cost : float Optimal expected cost of system. """ # Initialize dicts to store values of theta(.) function. theta = {k_index: {} for k_index in network.node_indices} # Get number of nodes (for convenience). num_nodes = len(network.nodes) # Calculate max replenishment times (max replenishment time for node k = SI_N + sum # of processing times at nodes k, ..., N). for k_index in range(num_nodes, 0, -1): k = network.get_node_from_index(k_index) if k_index == num_nodes: k.max_replenishment_time = k.external_inbound_cst + k.processing_time else: upstream = network.get_node_from_index(k_index + 1) k.max_replenishment_time = upstream.max_replenishment_time + k.processing_time # Initialize best_cst_adjacent. # best_cst_adjacent[k_index][S][i] = CST chosen for stage i when calculating # theta(SI) for stage k. # best_cst_adjacent = {k.index: {S: {} for S in # range(k.max_replenishment_time+1)} for k in network.nodes} # Initialize best_S. # best_S[k_index][SI] = S that minimizes (6.44) for node k and SI. best_S = {k_index: {} for k_index in network.node_indices} # Get shortcuts to some parameters (for conveience). sigma = network.get_node_from_index(1).demand_source.standard_deviation # Loop through stages. for k_index in range(1, num_nodes + 1): # Get shortcuts to node (for convenience). k = network.get_node_from_index(k_index) # Determine range of SI values to check. (For node N, it's only external_inbound_cst; # for all other nodes, it's 0, ..., max_replenishment_time - T.) if k_index == num_nodes: SI_range = [k.external_inbound_cst] else: SI_range = list(range(k.max_replenishment_time - k.processing_time + 1)) # Evaluate theta(k_index, SI). for SI in SI_range: if k_index == 1: # Calculate theta(1, SI) using (6.43). Ensure argument to sqrt is non-negative # (could be negative if S > T, in which case just treat NLT as 0). theta[k_index][SI] = k.local_holding_cost * k.demand_bound_constant \ * sigma * math.sqrt(max(0, SI + k.processing_time - k.external_outbound_cst)) best_S[k_index][SI] = k.external_outbound_cst else: # Calculate theta(k, SI) using (6.43). min_cost = float('inf') for S in range(SI + k.processing_time + 1): # Calculate cost for this S. cost = k.local_holding_cost * k.demand_bound_constant \ * sigma * math.sqrt(SI + k.processing_time - S) \ + theta[k_index-1][S] # Compare to best. if cost < min_cost: min_cost = cost min_S = S # Fill theta and best_cst_adjacent. theta[k_index][SI] = min_cost best_S[k_index][SI] = min_S # Set values of theta_in and best_cst_adjacent for # max_replenishment_time+1 to max_max_replenishment_time to # theta_in(max_replenishment_time - processing_time). # Needed so that stages with larger max_replenishment_time don't # encounter undefined values of theta_in. # for SI in range(max_replen_time - proc_time + 1, # tree.max_max_replenishment_time + 1): # theta_in[k_index][SI] = theta_in[k_index][max_replen_time - proc_time] # best_cst_adjacent[k_index][SI] = \ # best_cst_adjacent[k_index][max_replen_time - proc_time] # Initialize dict of optimal CSTs. opt_cst = {} # Backtrack to find optimal CSTs. for k_index in range(num_nodes, 0, -1): # Get node k. k = network.get_node_from_index(k_index) # Determine SI. if k_index == num_nodes: SI = k.external_inbound_cst else: SI = opt_cst[k_index+1] # Get best S for this SI. opt_cst[k_index] = best_S[k_index][SI] # Get optimal cost. opt_cost = theta[num_nodes][network.get_node_from_index(num_nodes).external_inbound_cst] return opt_cst, opt_cost