Source code for stockpyl.eoq

# ===============================================================================
# stockpyl - eoq Module
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Larry Snyder
# License: GPLv3
# ===============================================================================

.. include:: ../../


The |mod_eoq| module contains code for solving the economic order quantity
(EOQ) problem and some of its variants.

.. note:: |fosct_notation|

.. seealso::

	For an overview of single-echelon inventory optimization in |sp|,
	see the :ref:`tutorial page for single-echelon inventory optimization<tutorial_seio_page>`.

API Reference

import numpy as np
import math

[docs]def economic_order_quantity(fixed_cost, holding_cost, demand_rate, order_quantity=None): """Solve the economic order quantity (EOQ) problem, or (if ``order_quantity`` is supplied) calculate cost of given solution. Parameters ---------- fixed_cost : float Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] holding_cost : float Holding cost per item per unit time. [:math:`h`] demand_rate : float Demand (items) per unit time. [:math:`\\lambda`] order_quantity : float, optional Order quantity for cost evaluation. If supplied, no optimization will be performed. [:math:`Q`] Returns ------- order_quantity : float Optimal order quantity (or order quantity supplied) (items). [:math:`Q^*`] cost : float Cost per unit time attained by ``order_quantity``. [:math:`g^*`] **Equations Used** (equations (3.4) and (3.5)): .. math:: Q^* = \\sqrt{\\frac{2K\\lambda}{h}} g^* = \\sqrt{2K\\lambda h} or .. math:: g(Q) = \\frac{K\\lambda}{Q} + \\frac{hQ}{2} **Example** (Example 3.1): .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.eoq import * .. doctest:: >>> economic_order_quantity(8, 0.225, 1300) (304.0467800264368, 68.41052550594829) """ # Check that parameters are non-negative/positive. if fixed_cost < 0: raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be non-negative.") if holding_cost <= 0: raise ValueError( "holding_cost must be positive.") if demand_rate < 0: raise ValueError( "demand_rate must be non-negative.") if order_quantity is not None and order_quantity <= 0: raise ValueError("order_quantity must be positive.") # Is Q provided? if order_quantity is None: # Calculate optimal order quantity and cost. order_quantity = math.sqrt(2 * fixed_cost * demand_rate / holding_cost) cost = order_quantity * holding_cost else: # Calculate cost. cost = fixed_cost * demand_rate / order_quantity + holding_cost * order_quantity / 2 return order_quantity, cost
[docs]def economic_order_quantity_with_backorders(fixed_cost, holding_cost, stockout_cost, demand_rate, order_quantity=None, stockout_fraction=None): """Solve the economic order quantity with backorders (EOQB) problem, or (if ``order_quantity`` and ``stockout_fraction`` are supplied) calculate cost of given solution. Parameters ---------- fixed_cost : float Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] holding_cost : float Holding cost per item per unit time. [:math:`h`] stockout_cost : float Stockout cost per item per unit time. [:math:`p`] demand_rate : float Demand (items) per unit time. [:math:`\\lambda`] order_quantity : float, optional Order quantity for cost evaluation. If supplied, no optimization will be performed. [:math:`Q`] stockout_fraction : float, optional Stockout fraction for cost evaluation. If supplied, no optimization will be performed. [:math:`x`] Returns ------- order_quantity : float Optimal order quantity (or order quantity supplied) (items). [:math:`Q^*`] stockout_fraction : float Optimal stockout fraction (or stockout fraction supplied) (items). [:math:`x^*`] cost : float Cost per unit time attained by ``order_quantity`` and ``stockout_fraction``. [:math:`g^*`] **Equations Used** (equations (3.27)--(3.29)): .. math:: Q^* = \\sqrt{\\frac{2K\\lambda(h+p)}{hp}} x^* = \\frac{h}{h+p} g^* = \\sqrt{\\frac{2K\\lambda hp}{h+p}} or .. math:: g(Q,x) = \\frac{hQ(1-x)^2}{2} + \\frac{pQx^2}{2} + \\frac{K\lambda}{Q} **Example** (Example 3.8): .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.eoq import * .. doctest:: >>> economic_order_quantity_with_backorders(8, 0.225, 5, 1300) (310.81255515896464, 0.0430622009569378, 66.92136355097325) """ # Check that parameters are positive. if fixed_cost < 0: raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be non-negative.") if holding_cost <= 0: raise ValueError( "holding_cost must be positive.") if stockout_cost <= 0: raise ValueError( "stockout_cost must be positive.") if demand_rate < 0: raise ValueError( "demand_rate must be non-negative.") if order_quantity is not None and order_quantity <= 0: raise ValueError("order_quantity must be positive.") if stockout_fraction is not None and (stockout_fraction < 0 or stockout_fraction > 1): raise ValueError("stockout_fraction must be between 0 and 1.") # Check that both or neither order_quantity and stockout_fraction are provided. if (order_quantity is None and stockout_fraction is not None) or (order_quantity is not None and stockout_fraction is None): raise ValueError("You must provide both order_quantity and stockout_fraction or neither.") # Is Q provided? if order_quantity is None: # Calculate optimal order quantity, stockout fraction, and cost. order_quantity = math.sqrt(2 * fixed_cost * demand_rate * (holding_cost + stockout_cost) / (holding_cost * stockout_cost)) stockout_fraction = holding_cost / (holding_cost + stockout_cost) cost = order_quantity * (holding_cost * stockout_cost) / (holding_cost + stockout_cost) else: # Caclulate cost. cost = holding_cost * order_quantity * (1 - stockout_fraction) ** 2 / 2 \ + stockout_cost * order_quantity * stockout_fraction ** 2 / 2 \ + fixed_cost * demand_rate / order_quantity return order_quantity, stockout_fraction, cost
[docs]def economic_production_quantity(fixed_cost, holding_cost, demand_rate, production_rate, order_quantity=None): """Solve the economic production quantity (EPQ) problem, or (if ``order_quantity`` is supplied) calculate cost of given solution. Parameters ---------- fixed_cost : float Fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] holding_cost : float Holding cost per item per unit time. [:math:`h`] demand_rate : float Demand (items) per unit time. [:math:`\\lambda`] production_rate : float Production quantity (items) per unit time. [:math:`\\mu`] order_quantity : float, optional Order quantity for cost evaluation. If supplied, no optimization will be performed. [:math:`Q`] Returns ------- order_quantity : float Optimal order quantity (or order quantity supplied) (items). [:math:`Q^*`] cost : float Cost per unit time attained by ``order_quantity``. [:math:`g^*`] **Equations Used** (equations (3.31) and (3.32)): .. math:: Q^* = \\sqrt{\\frac{2K\\lambda}{h(1-\\rho)}} g^* = \\sqrt{2K\\lambda h(1-\\rho)} or .. math:: g(Q) = \\frac{K\\lambda}{Q} + \\frac{h(1 - \\rho)Q}{2} where :math:`\\rho = \\lambda/\\mu`. **Example**: .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.eoq import * .. doctest:: >>> economic_production_quantity(8, 0.225, 1300, 1700) (626.8084945889684, 33.183979125298336) """ # Check that parameters are non-negative/positive. if fixed_cost < 0: raise ValueError("fixed_cost must be non-negative.") if holding_cost <= 0: raise ValueError( "holding_cost must be positive.") if demand_rate < 0: raise ValueError( "demand_rate must be non-negative.") if production_rate <= 0: raise ValueError( "production_rate must be positive.") if order_quantity is not None and order_quantity <= 0: raise ValueError("order_quantity must be positive.") # Check that demand rate < production rate. if demand_rate >= production_rate: raise ValueError("demand_rate must be less than production_rate.") # Calculate rho. rho = demand_rate / production_rate # Is Q provided? if order_quantity is None: # Calculate optimal order quantity and cost. order_quantity = math.sqrt( 2 * fixed_cost * demand_rate / (holding_cost * (1 - rho))) cost = order_quantity * holding_cost * (1 - rho) else: # Calculate cost. cost = fixed_cost * demand_rate / order_quantity + holding_cost * (1 - rho) * order_quantity / 2 return order_quantity, cost
[docs]def joint_replenishment_problem_silver_heuristic(shared_fixed_cost, individual_fixed_costs, holding_costs, demand_rates): """Solve the joint replenishment problem (JRP) using Silver's (1976) heuristic. Parameters ---------- shared_fixed_cost : float Shared fixed cost per order. [:math:`K`] individual_fixed_costs : list of floats Individual fixed cost if product ``n`` is included in order. [:math:`k_n`] holding_costs : list of floats Holding cost per item per unit time for product ``n``. [:math:`h_n`] demand_rates : list of floats Demand (items) per unit time for product ``n``. [:math:`\\lambda_n`] Returns ------- order_quantities : list of floats Order quantities (items). [:math:`Q_n`] base_cycle_time : float Interval between consecutive orders. [:math:`T`] order_multiples : list of ints Product ``n`` is included in every ``order_multiples[n]`` orders. [:math:`m_n`] cost : float Cost per unit time. [:math:`g`] **Equations Used**: .. math:: \\hat{n} = n \\text{ that minimizes } k_n / h_n\\lambda_n m_{\\hat{n}} = 1 m_n = \\sqrt{\\frac{k_n}{h_n\\lambda_n} \\times \\frac{h_{\\hat{n}}\\lambda_{\\hat{n}}}{K+k_{\\hat{n}}}} \\text{ (rounded)} T = \\sqrt{\\frac{2(K+\\sum_{n=1}^N \\frac{k_n}{m_n}}{\\sum_{n=1}^N h_nm_n\\lambda_n}} Q_n = Tm_n\\lambda_n g = \\frac{K + \\sum_{n=1}^N \\frac{k_n}{m_n}}{T} + \\frac{T}{2}\\sum_{n=1}^N h_nm_n\\lambda_n **Example**: .. testsetup:: * from stockpyl.eoq import * .. doctest:: >>> shared_fixed_cost = 600 >>> individual_fixed_costs = [120, 840, 300] >>> holding_costs = [160, 20, 50] >>> demand_rates = [1, 1, 1] >>> joint_replenishment_problem_silver_heuristic(shared_fixed_cost, individual_fixed_costs, holding_costs, demand_rates) ([3.103164454170876, 9.309493362512628, 3.103164454170876], 3.103164454170876, [1, 3, 1], 837.8544026261366) """ # Check that parameters are non-negative/positive. if shared_fixed_cost < 0: raise ValueError("shared_fixed_cost must be non-negative") if not np.all(np.array(individual_fixed_costs) >= 0): raise ValueError("individual_fixed_costs must be non-negative.") if not np.all(np.array(holding_costs) > 0): raise ValueError("holding_costs must be non-negative.") if not np.all(np.array(demand_rates) > 0): raise ValueError("demand_rates must be non-negative.") if len(individual_fixed_costs) != len(holding_costs) or len(holding_costs) != len(demand_rates): raise ValueError("all lists must have the same length") # Determine number of products. num_prod = len(individual_fixed_costs) # Calculate ratios. ratio = [individual_fixed_costs[n] / (holding_costs[n] * demand_rates[n]) for n in range(num_prod)] # Determine product with min ratio. min_ratio_prod = np.argmin(ratio) # Calculate constant for min_ratio_prod. const = holding_costs[min_ratio_prod] * demand_rates[min_ratio_prod] / \ (shared_fixed_cost + individual_fixed_costs[min_ratio_prod]) # Calculate order frequencies. order_multiples = [] for n in range(num_prod): if n == min_ratio_prod: m = 1 else: m = math.sqrt((individual_fixed_costs[n] / (holding_costs[n] * demand_rates[n])) * const) m = max(1, int(round(m))) order_multiples.append(m) # Calculate a few terms we'll need below. term1 = shared_fixed_cost + float(np.sum(np.divide(individual_fixed_costs, order_multiples))) term2 = float(np.sum([holding_costs[n] * order_multiples[n] * demand_rates[n] for n in range(num_prod)])) # Calculate base cycle time. numer = 2 * term1 denom = term2 base_cycle_time = math.sqrt(numer / denom) # Calculate order quantities. order_quantities = [base_cycle_time * order_multiples[n] * demand_rates[n] for n in range(num_prod)] # Calculate average cost. avg_fixed_cost = term1 / base_cycle_time avg_holding_cost = (base_cycle_time / 2) * term2 cost = avg_fixed_cost + avg_holding_cost return order_quantities, base_cycle_time, order_multiples, cost